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What Tronald thinks about: Lindsey Graham

Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be used in a Clinton ad. Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER!

Remember when the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? They broke the deal, no honor!

Sen. Lindsey Graham embarrassed himself with his failed run for President and now further embarrasses himself with endorsement of Bush.

Failed presidential candidate Lindsey Graham should respect me. I destroyed his run, brought him from 7% to 0% when he got out. Now nasty!

.@lindseygraham, who had zero in his presidential run before dropping out in disgrace- saying the most horrible things about me on Fox News.

I watched Sen. Graham Face The Nation. Why don't they say that I ran him out of the race like a little boy, and in the end he had no support?

Just out Nevada poll shows Jeb Bush at 1%, he should take his dumb mouthpiece, Lindsey Graham, and just go home.

I will beat Hillary easily, but Lindsey Graham says I won't, and yet he got zero against me- no cred! Why does FOX put him on?